Sunday, August 23, 2009

Can I travel to a different state/county with my pit puppy if they are illegal there?

I am from Aurora, CO and my grandmother is dying. I will need to go to Aurora very soon. I have a pitbull puppy (3 months old). I have read that pits are illegal in Aurora, CO. If I fly there is it a chance that my puppy could be taken away from me since they are illegal in that state/county?

btw: I can't put him in a boarding kennel because most require some kind of notice when they will be in the kennel. I don't know when my grandmother is going to die. I'm waiting for the phone call and I can't give the boarding kennel a timeline or exact day.

Can I travel to a different state/county with my pit puppy if they are illegal there?adware

I would ask a friend to watch him\her

Can I travel to a different state/county with my pit puppy if they are illegal there?antivirus scan

call around to other kennels - they don't all need a just need to have some vaccines done prior to boarding...also vet's often take dogs for a few around.
yes there is a chance they could take your pup if someone reports it. you might look into a pet sitter coming to your home but like boarding kennels you need to contact them right away. check with your vet. on sitters or if vet. can board dog and they may be a little more flexible than a kennel.
You need a piece of paper from your vet such as your rabies registration calling your dog a "mixed breed". He can be a lab mix or simply a "mix", but it has to say anything other than pit. Pits are actually a mix of many breeds, so it's not a lie. If you have proof that he is not a pit, you should be ok. At least in this area where there is BSL, they don't question a vet certificate that says mix.
if you bring him/her to mass then i'll watch him/her for you!
Check with friends surely someone will be able to take him and keep him for a little while under such circumstances? Also, dont limit yourself to just a single boarding kennel, but dont chose one in haste either. be sure you go check them out, take a tour and get references. Ask if they are accredited by the boarding kennel association? Check their business license. There was just a question on here recently about a lady whos dog "disappeared" and the boarding kennel didnt even bother to tell her for like 2 days and shes still not gotten her dog back!

And to answer your question, depending on the laws and the way the dog law is written, you might end up having the dog both confiscated and put to sleep if you go there!!!

Parenting Help?

Ok, so I am currently 6 months pregnant with a baby girl named Aurora Mae-Belle, Now, I have a daughter already who is nearly one her name is Blayze. Blayze has become quite upset lately and she screams if we take her into the nursery that Aurora will have, she goes in herself and throws the clothes and toys around the place destroying the room so we have to clean it up. Is this normal behaviour? Our doctors said that its just a phase, but I am scared it'll continue and Blayze will do someting when Aurora is here to harm the baby. Is there anything I can do to help Blayze? and is it Anxiety? or is she really worried about the fact I'll be having another child and doesnt want to share her mum and dad? any suggestions would be great!

Parenting Help?agv

She's only a year old??? She may realize that something is abnormal, but she doesn't comprehend anything.......She is still very much a baby and is only doing things that a normal baby does.........She may think you are trying to move her into that room and that could be why she is reacting the way she is.

Parenting Help?antivirus software

It is normal behavior because Blayze realizes that she's not going to be the center of attention anymore, it happens a lot to first-born children. Eventually she will calm down, and if she doesn't you need to let her know that her actions are wrong. Next time she makes a mess, let her know that she's done something bad and then have her help clean up...I realize she can't do it herself, but have her help pick clothes up and stuff. It's a combination of anxiety and not wanting to share.
She definitely sounds as if she feels a bit neglected or jealous because of Aurora. I would listen to what your doctors say, you can try including Blayze in preparing for Aurora to come, or be sure to mention her in some way if anyone asks about the baby. Don't completely transform her world because another baby is coming, she might feel as if her life is being completely rearranged. Even adults find that difficult, imagine a one year olds confusion! You don't want her thinking she's being replaced. :]
I think the what the Dr. said is true. It's a phase. But, with a name like Blayze, I think she is going to be a tuff girl.. it seems like a very dominant name. very unique...

How do I know if my 6 month old cat is just playing or really hurting my new 8 week old kitten?

I have a 6 month male cat (Donatello) and just recently got an 8 week old female kitten (Aurora). I can't tell if they get along, Donatello likes to sneak up and attack her, biting scratching, pinning her down. Aurora does cry when he does this to her, but immediately stops because Donatello then proceeds to licking her all over. Is this a sign of affection? I just can't tell because he is so much bigger than her and I am always afraid he is going to hurt her when he pins her down and bites her. I've tried stopping him by squirting him with water, which doesn't seem to work for long. Also I've been leaving them in separate rooms, but Aurora just cries the whole time (VERY loudly). I just don't really know what to do, my boyfriend and I have even talked about trying to find a new home for Aurora, but I really don't want to have to resort to that if I don't have to.

How do I know if my 6 month old cat is just playing or really hurting my new 8 week old kitten?anti virus protection

My cats fight all the time too, As long as he is not drawing blood frequently, I would think it would be okay. Some cats are just more aggressive than others. And he licks her- my cats just fight and then stalk off. I would take that as a good sign.

How do I know if my 6 month old cat is just playing or really hurting my new 8 week old kitten?antivirus

Who is responsible for Mortgage company mistake?

I fell behind in my payments with my mortgage (not part of the sub prime mortgage mess) and the house went into foreclosure. I set up a repayment plan with the mortgage company and have successfully brought everything current over the last year. This past Friday I get a "Notice of Trustee Sale" posted to my door announcing my house was going to be auctioned in a few weeks. I called the company who posted this and they told me that I have not made payments on one of my mortgages. At the time of setting up the repayment plan, I had two mortgages with Aurora. Since I worked with Aurora to set up a repayment plan, I assumed that both mortgages were being taken care of, because the monthly payment increased substantially and that the two mortgages were handled by the same company. But Aurora only did the repayment for one mortgage and not the other. I questioned it, but Aurora said they were the only ones I need to work with, that is not the case. What can I do?

Who is responsible for Mortgage company mistake?anti virus scan

I would immediately contact an attorney. My personal feeling is that the mortgage company is wrong but the law could have a different outcome. The attoney could probably temporarily stop the sale and at least if it is your fault it should buy you some time in finding another place to live.

Who is responsible for Mortgage company mistake?ariel

Help Me!!!!!!!!?

how is an aurora borealis different from an aurora australis?

Help Me!!!!!!!!?anti virus software

The first one happens at the North Pole. The second one presumably happens at the Sout Pole.

Help Me!!!!!!!!?aurora

Let's define them first.

AURORA BOREALIS - (Northern Lights) Aurora of the Northern Hemisphere.

AURORA AUSTRALIS - (Southern Lights) Aurora of the Southern Hemisphere.

Therefore, they differ from each other because they occur in different hemispheres but also the same phenomenon.
They happen in differnt hemispheres

Tattoo problems .... real problems?

Ok So i went to skin of a different Color in Aurora Illinois.... A great great studio... Any ways 20 minites into my 1st tattoo ( whitch is a skull with Fire comming out of it....) I pass out and start going into a seizere ( by this point the outline for the skull is done) Get this My eyes were wide open the jaws of my mouth were shut so tight if they wanted to do cpr it would be a prob...... Now the tattoo did not hurt a bit not at all .. 1 minite i was talking to the dude ( artist) then the 2nd minite My eyes were dialated and i vomited up my nose and then I got up in a chair drinking water and eating candy then All of a sudden I passed out again..... now what I am asking has anyone out there had a similer experince.... do i possibly have to take a drug like volume to mellow me out cuz its a pretty large Tat like from just above my sleeve to my sholder..... Please help me somebody!!! I hope I am not alone.

Tattoo problems .... real problems?anti virus

There is something called endorphin shock, maybe that's it. When the human body is under extreme distress from pain, natural endorphins kick in to shield the brain from the sensation, which might be why you didn't feel pain at all. Problem is, too much, too soon actually does more harm than good and a person can experience a type of shock.

Tattoo problems .... real problems?auto protect

Would you go out with me?

Hi everyone, my name is Kyle. I'm 22 and originally from South Korea. I'm 5'10" and 135 lbs with black hair and brown eyes. Likes to go to the movies, bowling, drawing, arcades, itg/ddr, puzzles, video games, listening to music. And speaking of music i like rock, electronica, piano, and new age. I live in Aurora, Colorado, work full time at Hertz Rent A Car at DIA, working 3-11 thurs-sat and 9-5 sun/mon.

Would you go out with me?antispam

i would meet you and probaly do u the 1st date beciz you sound so friggin SEXY!!

Would you go out with me?avast

no sry
I just have to say I can not believe that you just gave all that information out about yourself in such a public forum.
Thats ridiculous who does that on the internet
If I wasn't with my dearest Corwin you know I would so go out with you.I'm your best friend and I've liked you for a while but life just set me up with someone else.~love Meg~
uh no

first of all i think the way to finding a guy is not by the computer

so sry

but thts dumb if u wanna pick up grls
can't - married
yes, I have plenty of Korean friends and they are all very polite and know how to treat a girl, it has something to do about the way Koreans are generally educated and I love that.

I also like electronic, piano, one of my passions are movies, love video games and listening music.

so we would be a nice couple ;) hahaha such a petty we don't live near by
If i wasnt so far away I would go out with you... i live In South Mississippi! :(
I am sure you could pick up lots of girls at the Hertz Rent a Car ~ you have it made working there - the addresses, phone numbers, etc... just don't be a stalker! lol
yes i would email me lets talk lovely1Connie
i dont swing that way but thanks for the offer..its flattering
let me get this right your trying to find someone to go out with you on here are you crazy...Were all nuts...LOL

Your opinion on these girl's names???













Your opinion on these girl's names???antispyware



Your opinion on these girl's names???best antivirus software

Aurora- Is really nice

Camille- I think of a cat

Ashlyn- Sounds more Southern, but is still nice

Madaline- I love that name, but it's pretty common

Genevive- Very pretty, very french

Rose- Elegant

Noelle- This is one of my favorites, its so beautiful

Rosealind- it's O.K., pretty good actually

Jacqueline- This is also one of my favorites, though she would probably end up being called Jackie


Lydia- Nice.

Julianna- I like it.
Aurora - pretty %26 unique

Camille - not so crazy about it

Ashlyn - too cute!

Madaline - like it

Genevive - ok

Rose - ok

Noelle - pretty

Rosealind - no

Jacqueline - no

Krista - no

Lydia - no

Julianna - pretty

Ashlyn Rose

Juilanna Noelle

Aurora Madeline
i like both the names Jacqueline and Julianna..another name..Jasmine is really pretty or if she is born is the month of the birth stone emerald ..Esmeralda is a beautiful name
I love Ashlyn. Ashlyn Rose would be nice
Ashlyn, Madaline, and Jacqueline.

Religious Festivals of Light!?

can anyone give me a Detailed answer of the "festival of light" celebration for different religions?

for instance, divali, hanunkah, christmas,

someone also gave me the name aurora - can anyone explain it to me?

thankyou x

Religious Festivals of Light!?antivirus download

The answer would be far too long. Try this link it has lots of the information you asked for.

Pokemon XD help please??

Is ther a way to make my pokemon stronger fast? Im trying to get them to 60. My strongest are:

Lv.52 Vaporeon- Bite, Hydro Pump, Aurora Beam, Acid Armor

Lv.52 Fearow- Aeiral Ace, Drill Peck, False Swipe, Leer

Lv.50 Articuno- (Shadow for now)

Lv.53 Medicham- Hi Jump Kick, Confusion, Dynamic Punch,

Mind Reader

Lv.53 Houndoom- Bite, Ember, Faint Attack, Flame Thrower

Lv.50 Moltres- Extrasensory, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Thrower

i have a Lv.53 Lugia too, but i cant take it into the Colusseum

Where can i train??

Pokemon XD help please??antivirus downloads

you can re-chalenge trainers and also you could go to MT. battle thats what i did. And make shure you have a strategy because the colusseum is tough

Pokemon XD help please??cafe racer

go to mt.coronet. and train there. lugia you can purify it by using all 9 purify chambers. put all the pokemon that will make alot of whatever that is called and place lugia in one of the rooms and it will be purified so u can use it.

Baby names? rate?

Aurora (Rory)









Zaila and Zaina are eh, okay. not a huge fan, but i know to look for Z names..(the dad really wants a Z name...Seems all are of Arabic origin though...which we are not)

Middle name is Danielle (family name)

Baby names? rate?antivirus programs

I like them all except for Hazel and the Z names.

I think Aurora Danielle sounds beautiful.

Best of luck!

Baby names? rate?computer protection

On a scale of 1 to 10 10 being the best. this is my ratings

Aurora (Rory) Danielle 8

Bianca Danielle 7

Cierra Danielle 7

Eva Danielle 9

Gia Danielle 6

Hazel Danielle 5

Jeslyn Danielle 8

Kiana Danielle 9

Tianna Danielle 10

Zaina Danielle 9

Just know that whatever name you pick you get to love it eventually. You have to get use it the soudn of it first.
My name is Danielle and I have had a lot of friends with the middle name of Danielle. It really is a beautiful name even if it is a family name and it goes great with most other names. And for Z names, what about Zoey, Zoe, Zara (an americanized version of the name Sara), Zanna, Zea, Zena, Zephyr, Zia. But otherwise I really like Arora Danielle, Cierra Danielle, Gia Danielle, and Hazel Danielle
Z names sound phony. Hazel is awful . Jeslyn sounds like jiz. Tianna---not so much, how about Tia Danielle?

Three gorgeous girl names.?

What are your favourite three first and middle name combinations using these names that all sound nice together?
















Three gorgeous girl names.?antivirus protection

Very pretty names!

1. Isla Saffron

2. Daisy Ophelia

3. Eulalia Willow

I love this three combos!

Three gorgeous girl names.?computer repair

Aurora Belle Sounds like a Disney Princess! I like it! =)

Daisy Felicity.

I can't believe you have the name Eulalia on there!

There was this girl in my class named Eulalia and

during graduation they didnt know how to pronounce her name! So I wouldn't use that name! but to each there own. Or how about Eulalie or just Lali?
Felicity, Willow and Isla if you add a 2nd name to it like Isla Marie, etc. Belle is cute when it goes with a 2nd name too. How aboout Belle Isla? Sounds like Delilaha
Kobina, Kobifer, Kobelina, Kobista, Kobelli, ? Or you could just name her Kobe, you know, after the greatest human being in history.
prairie willow

belle daisy

aurora isla

Pokemon emerald cheats?

Hey I need a little help other than gameshark how do u get the tickets like to catch deoxys, Jirachi,Mew,Lati_s,But do you think its going 2 be hard 4 this team?

Charizard Lv 100: dragon claw,overheat,fly,and flametrower

Feraligatr Lv 100:hydro pump,surf,dig,rock smash

Skeptile Lv91:cut, False swipe,Strength, and leaf blade

Blastoise Lv :99:ice Beam,Skull Bash,dive,hydro pump

Shadow Lugia Lv 89:Recover,Aurora blast,Fly and waterfall

Mew2 Lv:70: Swift, Recover,Safegaurd,Psikick

2 Rayquaza's

2 kyogre's

1 groudon all at Lv 70

Tyranitar Lv 55:Fire Blast,Thunder,Dig,Blizzard

NOTE: You cant get (unless you trade)Tyranitar,Mew2,Shadow Lugia,Blastiose feraligatr,and Charizard on Emerald

Pokemon emerald cheats?antivirus scan

GBA %26 SP

Pokemon emerald cheats.

Unlockable: Areas

Beldum: View Steven's house after you beat the Elite four.

Castform: Beat the rival team at the weather institute.

Chikorita, Cyndaquil or Tododile: Once you complete the 202 Pokemon of Hoenn. Professor Birch will call you on your Pokenav.

Deoxys: Go and get the Aurara Ticket, and go to Birth Island

Groudon: Defeat the Elite Four, and go to the land lair.

Ho-oh/Lugia: Go and get the Mystic Ticket, and go to Navel Island

Kyogre: Defeat the Elite Four, and go to the sea lair.

Looking for an old friend...?

I'm looking for an old friend. His name is John Twomey. He was born in London but came to the US when he was eight years old. He'd be 40, or almost, now.

He used to live in Aurora, IL in a two flat above my brother and his wife.

I have some terrible news to share with him and really want to find him.

Last I knew he moved to Chicago with this other guy.

John fancies himself a musician.

Looking for an old friend...?antivirus software

Go to the following web page and you'll find a listing of many Twomeys, and a few currently in Chicago. You may get lucky with a phone call and get the right one.

Looking for an old friend...?computer virus

There's four listed in Chicaco.

THiS VERY INTERESTING.................?

[Kanye West]

My homie Mali used to stay, 79th and May

One of my best friends from back in the day

Down the street from Calumet, a school full of stones

He nicknamed me K-Rock so they'll leave me alone

Bulls jacket with his hat broke way off

And walked around the mall with his radio face off

Plus he had the spinner from his Daytons in his hand, keys in his hand

Reason again to let you know he's the man

Back when we rocked Alieses, he had dreams of Caprices

Drove by the teachers, even more by polices

How he get the cash the day his father passed away

Left him with a lil somethin, 16 he was stuntin'

"Al B. Sure" ***** with the hair all wavy

Hit Lakeshore, girls go all crazy

Hit the freeway, go at least bout 80

Boned so much that summer, even had him a baby

See back back then then if you had a car

You was the Chi-Town version of Baby

And I was just a virgin, a baby

One of the reasons I looked up to him crazy

I used to love play my demo tape when the system yanked

Felt like I was almost signed when the **** got cranked

We'll take a Saturday and just circle the mall

They had they Lincoln's and Aurora's, we was hurtin 'em all

With the girls alot of flirtin' involved but dog..

**** all that flirtin', I'm tryin' to get in some drawers, so

Which sounds best?

Phoebe Anna-Alesia Haynes

Phoebe Anastasia Haynes

Phoebe Allegra Haynes

Phoebe Aurora Haynes

Phoebe Gyselle Haynes

Sawyer James Haynes

Sawyer Aidan Haynes

Sawyer Brody Haynes

Sawyer Adam Haynes

Sawyer Everett Haynes

Which sounds best?ariel

Phoebe Anastasia Haynes

Sawyer James Haynes/Sawyer Aidan Haynes

Which sounds best?computers

pheobe anna-alesia haynes

sawyer adam haynes
Phoebe Gyselle Haynes


Sawyer Adam Haynes
Sorry, they sound so mainstream.
Phoebe Allegra Haynes

Sawyer Everett Haynes

3 syllable middle sounds best

Suggestions for 3 syllable middle names:

Louisa ** like this one best


















Elliott** like this best


Matthias ** like this also


Phoebe Gyselle Haynes

Sawyer Adam Haynes
Phoebe Anastasia for the girl
I feel to have a easy-to-remember name will be better. Also, no point giving a long name and in the end when you call the name, you cut it short for convenience. eg calling Benjamin the shorter way, Ben.
Phoebe Aurora

I need a middle name for.....?

Let me start of by saying: I am a mommy of 5 beautiful children, with a baby girl on the way!!!!

The only problem, I am 9 months pregnant[due in a week] and I have yet to find a Middle Name-by the way- i grew up in a house in which Middle Names are Very important!!!

My last name is Ramirez.

These are my other childrens names:

Kayla Rae Ramirez

Michael Christopher Ramirez

Aurora-Grace Ramirez

Justin-Jeremiah Ramirez

Tianna Marie Ramirez

Me and my husband have decided on the name Danity for our new baby. although we don't have a middle name. Please help us out!!!

It will be:

Danity ? Ramirez

More than one answer is greatly appreciated!!


I need a middle name for.....?aurora

Danity Faith is nice

Danity Joy

Danity Rose

Danity Sienna

Danity Lee (or Leigh)

All the best for the birth of your new daughter!

I need a middle name for.....?download

Danity Diane Ramirez

Danity Bree Ramirez

Danity Denise Ramirez

Danity Sophia Ramirez

Danity Elise Ramirez

Danity Noelle Ramirez

Danity Scarlett Ramirez
Brynn sounds kinda cool with it.
Danity Marie Ramirez

*pronounce Maree*
Danity Helene Ramirez
Danity Lynn Ramirez

Real big Tattoo problem ....?

Ok So i went to skin of a different Color in Aurora Illinois.... A great great studio... Any ways 20 minites into my 1st tattoo ( whitch is a skull with Fire comming out of it....) I pass out and start going into a seizere ( by this point the outline for the skull is done) Get this My eyes were wide open the jaws of my mouth were shut so tight if they wanted to do cpr it would be a prob...... Now the tattoo did not hurt a bit not at all .. 1 minite i was talking to the dude ( artist) then the 2nd minite My eyes were dialated and i vomited up my nose and then I got up in a chair drinking water and eating candy then All of a sudden I passed out again..... now what I am asking has anyone out there had a similer experince.... do i possibly have to take a drug like volume to mellow me out cuz its a pretty large Tat like from just above my sleeve to my sholder..... Please help me somebody!!! I hope I am not alone. I am going to the doctor tomarrow to get cheaked out to see whats up...

Real big Tattoo problem ....?auto protect

It sounds like originally you might have been experiencing an adrenaline dump. I had something similar happen to a few of my clients.

When someone goes to get their first tattoo and they have picked out their design, the body starts producing alot of adrenaline. This would be (I'm assuming) when you started getting really anxious ("This is going to look awesome! Man, its going to hurt like hell!" etc...) A thousand things start running through your head and you can't wait to get into that chair. Then you see the needles they're using and hear the machine. Adrenaline level rises again. (And so does your blood pressure)

Twins names?

having fraternal twins (boy and girl), she wants to name them similar, I want to name them more Greek

When I said John Aurelius and Aurora Jane, I was resoundly shot down, what do you think of those names?

Twins names?avast

like the aurora, but don't know about the Aurelius, had an uncle Aurelio and he was a terrible person. But I say keep the John and Jane, sounds kinda like John and Jane doe, not to be morbid but, there is some amount of compromise there with your wife, that girl who answered before had a good idea, I like Damien too, but since you want something Greek, maybe Leonidas "like a lion"?

Twins names?ducati

i dont like either middle names unfortunatley. Aurora sounds like the princess in sleeping beauty! Aurora is very beautiful! Johnathan is better than john but its okay. =]
I like both names, but maybe you shouldn't give them similar initials?

Sorry, I just don't like matchy names for twins. I still love your choices though! =D
I like Aurora Jane, but Aurelius sounds very pompous- I don't like it. Good luck in choosing!
we just had them 10 months ago, we picked Gregory for the boy and Allison for the girl.

My wife was a teacher so she didnt like ALOT of names because they reminded her of horrible students. We both wrote down a list of the names we absolutely did NOT want and from there we negotiated.

Why r Black women...?

considered ugly?? Especially dark-skinned ones. My mother is dark-skinned and she is very beautiful. She gets hit on by guys all the time! Here r some photos of beautiful dark-skinned women:

Gabrielle Union (actress):

Larissa "Bootz" Aurora (model):

Layla El (WWE Diva/ model/ dancer):

Kristal Marshall (WWE Diva/ model):

Why r Black women...?best antivirus software

Who thinks "we" are considered ugly?

Listen, beauty for one may be a Gabby Union type or a Layla El type, and beauty for someone else may be J-Lo or Madonna. Who long as you are a black woman...well let me re-phrase this... as long as you are a woman that knows who you are...can't nobody, I mean nobody come along and tell you your ugly or whatever....don't be moved by negative comments...and don't waste your time trying to figure the comments out...someone is going to always have something negative to say-

Baby girl we have to know for ourselves that we were beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of God.

Just know who you are and feel good in the skin that was given to you....

Why r Black women...?firewall

Animation.. Flash or Illustrator?

Can anyone give me a link or quick steps on how to build this effect of a continuos line.

Animation.. Flash or Illustrator?bmw

this will be a little tedious.

1) you need a vector image.

2) you break part the vector (Modify/Brake apart)

3)select like 300 frames and press F5 to create a key frame with the vector in it

4) then press F6 (this will create 300 individual keyframes)

5) now you are going to delete 99% of the image go to next frame and delete 98% of the image and so on.......

(the aurora animation has 45 frames till it is fully seen)

A B Help Me C?

Howse pronounced House

Choose One:

Anaya Brooklynn Howse

Aaliyah Brooklynn Howse

Aiyana Brooklynn Howse

Alayna Brooklynn Howse

Ava Brooklynn Howse

Alivia Brooklynn Howse

Amiyah Brooklynn Howse

Arielle Brooklynn Howse

Ariana Brooklynn Howse

Aurora Brooklynn Howse

Aryana Brooklynn Howse

Alyssa Brooklynn Howse

A B Help Me C?cafe racer


A B Help Me C?free anti virus

Aiyana Brooklynn Howse

OR Amiyah Brooklynn Howse

love the name Brooklynn
I like Ava and Amiyah! The rest are good, but I like these two best with the middle name Brooklynn... Best of luck!
I like Ava %26 Aurora
Amiyah Brooklynn

Aryana Brooklyn

Alyssa Brookylnn
Favorties in order:

Aurora Brooklynn Howse

Ariana Brooklynn Howse

Aiyana Brooklynn Howse

(I don't like Brooklynn. I like Brooke. Or Briony, Bronwen?
Ariana Brooklynn Howse
I like Alivia Brooklynn Howse the best! I love the spelling of Alivia and I think the names go together great. Congrats!
Ariana Brooklynn Howse
I like Anaya Brooklynn the best assuming it's pronounced A-nigh-yah....
My top three:

Aurora -Unusual, pretty, and feminine.

Alayna -Pretty, with the nickname Laynie. So cute.

Ava -Reminds me of birds, like an aviary. Pretty.

My bottom three:

Aryana -It reminds me of the Aryan Nation. Boo.

Aiyana -It looks confusing.

Aaliyah -This is like Elvis to me, it belongs to the dead singer, period.

I still don't care for Brooklynn, though.
Amiyah hands down. How about Aaricka (pronounced erica).
Anaya Brooklynn Howse or Ariana Brooklynn Howse
Alyssa Brooklynn
my favorites are:




Rate my pkmn diamond team 3?

toreterra 100 special sweeper

eq, leech seed, giga drain, leaf storm

leech seed and giga drain give it hp, but i need some f隆good atks that dont atk

lapras 100 special sweeper

ice beam, surf, sheer cold, hydro pump

i dont need any non atk atks... leave it like it is

lucario 100 physical sweeper

drain punch, aurora sphere, focus blast gyro ball

again drain punch gives hp but i need good atls that dont atk

weavile- physical sweeper 100

shadow ball, slash, ice beam dark pulse

here i really need non atk atks

drifblim- 100 wall

shadow ball, omnious wind, silver wind and fly

silver and ominous wind can raise all my stats but a non atk atk instead of silver wind aint such bad idea

magcargo- 100 mixed sweeper

ancient power, earth power, flame thrower, rock slide

ancient power cna raise my stats but a non atk atk isnt such a bad idea

hope u like it post all ideas

Rate my pkmn diamond team 3?computer protection

That is an excellent ideal team. Well balanced in all aspects. Did you raise them all from scratch?

Rate my pkmn diamond team 3?free antivirus download

i dont know much about the new games, but lapras shouldnt have surf and hydro pump, especially with sheer cold.... replace one with thunderbolt
I think thats a good team.
not bad but try to get more rare pokemon i give ya 6 out of 10

Have you ever seen ......??

...aurora before??

Have you ever seen ......??computer repair

Yes, and it is awesome and slightly frightening. I live in north highlands and this phenonenon will never cease to amaze me. I would subscribe but I don't get paid until the end of the month but will keep it mind as its beautiful. xxxx Luv Camilla

Have you ever seen ......??free antivirus

Thanks for the other answers =] Report It

Yo, that's really beautiful
I wish I had...I hope I will =)
Only in pictures
Yes. In Muskoka. Breathtaking isn't it ?
that's gorgeous! i wanna go there for my hunny moon :)


4 more years !!XD
Only in pictures but I want to see one someday
yes i live in canada

Not in real life, but that is amazingly beautiful!
no not really sorry
No,but I know a 2 year old little girl named Aurora!Her parents are friends with mine.
Not in real life... but it is beautiful I would love to see it
What a wonderful picture. It makes you realise how glorious this world really is. Thanks for sharing and heres a star for you.
wow no i havent but it look really beautiful.
Fantastic; Must See Someday...!!
all the time.... after a couple of whiffs from my trusty bong hon
No I haven't*
Only in pictures.
Only in pictures
never seen one! but the picture is incredible!!!! wish i can give you 5 stars.
No never before

I'd like to know...?

Has anyone ever seen the Aurora Borealis, AKA The Northern Lights?

I'd like to know...?computer security

No but I would love to!

I'd like to know...?free spyware remobal

Whaaz that.%26gt;???
I haven't but I would certainly like to. Not sure if it's visible from Chicago at anytime of the year. I like astronomy and science so I would definitely enjoy seeing an aurora.
No, unfortunately I have only seen photos and they truly look to be spectacular!
I have several times in ND. It's slick
No I haven't
Yes, in Missouri once, I was REALLY little, so i don't remember it, but my sisters and parents always tell me about it. It sounds so amazing.... i would kill to see it now, i know quite a bit about it...
Yes. The back of our house faces North and we are up on a hill. When it's a clear sky at night it's pretty.

I need help?

i got eon ticket,mystic ticket and aurora ticket i want to know wat can i do to use it please

I need help?nortan antivirus

i think you should go to the ferry and the lady will ask you if you wanna go the the 8th or 7th island to catch hooh and lugia i think ??

I need help?nortonantivirus

no idea.
if ur talking about ruby, saphire and emerald then go to slateport city (the city with the market) or lilycove city. Go 2 the boat port thing and u shuold get the choise of going to some other islands. There u can catch legendary pokemon.
u have to go to slateport city and go to the ship that takes u everywhere its a big buildng
so go to the city with the port that you got cut at the talk to the guy he will say islands you can go to and there you have it


Deoxys Help!!!?

Is the aurora ticket transferable by mixing? If not, if I to clone my friends deoxys will it listen to me?

Deoxys Help!!!?norten

Yes. All tickets (including, but not limited to: Old Sea Chart, Aurora Ticket, Mystic Ticket, Eon Ticket) are transferable by mixing. Also, yes, if your friend clones Deoxys, it must obey you, given that you have all 8 badges. You must have a good friend if she's willing to clone her precious Deoxys for you. Good Luck!!! ;)

Deoxys Help!!!?panda

it really depends. if you have defeated the 8th leader then it will listen to you unless there is something weird that happends during the cloning process that isn't normal.

Pokemon Madness!!!!!?

How do you get the aurora ticket and the mystic ticket in ruby version?

Pokemon Madness!!!!!?nortin

you need to go to the mystery gift event or mix records with someone whos got it hope this helps

Which Disney Princess would you marry?

girls answer too:

Snow White


Aurora (sleeping beauty)






Which Disney Princess would you marry?norton 360


Which Disney Princess would you marry?photoshop

I'm not a lesbian... hehe.. Well, if I'm a boy, maybe I'll marry Cinderella. She's really beautiful and clever. (About the Prince, I just know Phillip from the Sleeping Beauty. The others are unknown...)
I'd want my son to marry Belle because she is smart and not at all superficial.
if i were a guy, i'd like to marry Esmeralda even though she's not really a princess
you forgot the princess of the gypsies Esmeralda! (hunchback of notre dame)

she's my choice
I would say Cinderella cause she's hot and knows how to clean.
Well if i were a guy i'd marry the sleeping beauty because she's an expert in bed
well, personally its a toss up b/t Ariel, Belle, and Jasmine. They were always my favortie movies growing up.
i would want my son to marry...

I would go for Pocahontas. She's so rugged and natural. And if we somehow had kids, they would get free money and admissions would be easy for them.
Mulan (if I was into females that is)


My friend and I want to babysit this summer but we can't find a class to get a certificate and we live in aurora Colorado and she is 11 and I am 10. Thanks :-p

Babysitting?norton 2008

You are still young. Why not just help your parents around with some chores. No one will hire an 11 or 10 year old to babysit their children. It's also unsafe. Sorry to sound harsh but thats just the plain facts.

Babysitting?pop up blocker

You should ask you local center or school that can help you find some babysitting courses that could help you babysit better and understand what is happening. Hope it helps
i am 14 and i am trying to babysit aswell and no obe trusts me! i hardly think anyone wud trust a 10 year old! Actually no one would trust a 10 year old! You will only start getting babysitting jobs at about 15-16!
Check out the local hospitals. And you're never to young to learn. A lot of people might not trust you to babysit at night, but you can definently be a mother's helper. And I'm sure some people would let you babysit together.
personally i think ur too young for that.

Try finding a diffferent job like helping out at the library.
go to your local community center.
First of all, those classes teach you diddly-squat. You learn why dropping a baby is bad, how to put a spoonful of babyfood in a baby's mouth, and lots of other duhh-I'm-not-retarded kind of things. Seriously, that class has never helped me in anyway when I am babysitting. Second of all, I think 10 is a little young to be babysitting. Adults might not find you responsible enough (I mean, I've babysat 10- and 11-year-olds before) to babysit. Wait until you are both 12.
too young!!!!
you cannot babysit at that age, you need to be at LEAST 16 or 15, and yeah maybe you are responsible, but do you really think that the adults will let you take care of their son or daughter??
you guys are too young to babysit
Ok so you gottah be like responsible. no body's gonnah hire a 10 and 11 yr. old babysitter even if yoiu are certified. Anyways people will prob get like 15 and 16 year olds cause they're mature

Oprah Winfrey warned me about the Apocalypse? Is this real?

My friends, please hear me out before you judge me. This is completely factual. On Friday night, I was watching the Oprah show. As her program aired in the same usual manner, the T.V. suddenly began flickering. The image of her remained undisturbed, and she looked at me with her powerful yet compassionate eyes. She began speaking to me. Her voice did not come from the television speakers. It radiated around the room. She told me to come with her. I whispered "I will". And in an aurora of bright flashes, I was whisked away, both body and mind, into an alien world. Oprah revealed to me that this was Earth... 50 years later. It was saddening. The whole landscape that my eyes were able to see was barren and desolate. She told me that this was the result of George Bush's reckless use of Atomic weapons. The world has been destroyed. The people that did survive are in a murderous frenzy...

Oprah Winfrey warned me about the Apocalypse? Is this real?norton antivirus 2007

Wow! Until I read your question, I was an atheist. But I fear Oprah, so I guess that makes me god fearing. Thank you for opening my eyes!

Oprah Winfrey warned me about the Apocalypse? Is this real?product key

What are on and, where can I get some?!
seek help immediately before it's to late.
Wow. I had a dream about Oprah once. It was a long time ago. She told me that Napoleon and Hitler were anti-Oprah's. She never mentioned George Bush. Of course that was before he was President or anything.
Dang dud I thought the 80s had some good drugs ,what are you kids on these days ,that sounds like some wild ride
umm okay will pass it on.... any doctors in the room?
Now I'm really sorry I answered that one question of yours. YOU ARE CRAZY! Nuts Insane! MENTAL! GO TO A PSYCHOLOGIST! YOU NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it real? Not until it happens, then who gives a ****?
You know.....

How do i get a boy?

i love this guy in my homeroom, and he doesnt even like me. he does as a friend, but, well, really, the most romantic thing he ever said about me was to my friend, he said, "id rather kiss aurora than you." how do i get his attention?

How do i get a boy?norton antivirus

Okay mighty huntress, the best way to get a boy is to totally ignore him and let him "hunt" you.

Show him by being happy and friendly around others that you are quite a girl. Smile and flirt with other boys. But don't look at him to see if he is watching and never let him see you mooning over him. Be friendly every now and then by smiling and saying hi to him, but let it go at that so that he has to make the next move to you.

Remember boys are like wild animals. If you chase a wild animal it will keep running away from you. But, if you sit still and have patience, eventually the wild animal will come to you.

Good luck.

How do i get a boy?security

You have a great opportunity with Valentine's Day coming up. Send him a card.
Dont think he likes you. if he really likes you you Both will feel something. So go for someone else. You are just in puppy love..aawww.Good luck
take your bra off in front of him then simply masturbate fiercely whilst screaming his name. he'll want ya in a second, you have my word.
Don't worry about it. You just be yourself and he will come to you. If he doesn't then he is not worth it. Girls worry too much about if I boy likes them or not. Most boys are not interested in being romantic or living in some fantasy fairy tale. They are interested in sex or phycisal attraction. Don't get trapped into that game. Eventually the right boy will come along without you needing to do a thing.
There are more fish in the sea.
hey, valentine's day is coming, put your number in a card but don't sign your name, see if he calls.

He audviosly likes you so tell him.

I know its hard to tell him but its always hard,

For Men and Women
to be honest i don't really know cause i don't have one(in my entire life actually) but don't get eger to get one cause you may find the wrong one,so be really paitient.

Which name is best?

Brisa Alia

Arabella Alia

Aurora Alia

Amanda Alia

Adria Alia

Angela Alia

Ayla Alia

Which name is best?norton ghost

Ayla Alia.

Which name is best?software

I like Aurora Alia.
Aaliyah Angel. :-)
Amanda or Angela

Arabella is a terrible name. Sounds like a b*****.

Aurora? ugh

Adria? Not good.

Angela? dated

Brisa? double ugh.

Ayla? Not good.
None of the above
I love both Aurora and Ayla, but not with the middle (or last?) name Alia. The A beginnings and endings of each just don't go well together at all, and Ayla Alia is especially repetitive ... looks and sounds like nearly the same name, especially since identical name Aila (just swapping the "i" and "l") literally IS the same four letters.
arabella alia
i like arabella , amanda, and angela the best (in that order from most to least)

but they're all very beautiful!
I love Aurora! It's very pretty, and Alia is nice too, but I don't like the alliteration. My least favorite is Amanda because it was my original given name and too popular and boring.
Angela Alia
Aurora Alia
Adria Alia
I like Amanda the best. I dont' like the others.

Also, I don't like Alia. I hate it actually.
Aurora Alia is the best. How about Amelia?;...
I really like Brisa and Ayla. I also LOVE Aurora (it's one of my favs!)
Ayla Alia
I would go for Arabella Alia, Amanda Alia, or Angela Alia, because the others may be hard for most people to pronounce, and it might get annoying when people mispronounce the name

Power Metal Help?



Should I get Aurora Consurgens or Temple of Shadows?

Please answer based on:

I love Blind Guardian's new work

as well as Dragonforce etc.

I like fast solos and progressive stuff

but not to progressive otherwise it just gets weird.

so which Angra CD should i get?

Power Metal Help?norton internet security 2008

My favorite Angra album is Angel's Cry, but between those two I'd get Temple.

Other good Power bands are Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica, Eldritch (they're more progressive metal, not to the point of strange though), Symphony X, Helloween (I'm sure you already know them though), Athena, Conception, Cydonia, Demons and Wizards (It's singer from Blind Guardian and guitar player from Iced Earth), Edguy, Elegy, Gamma Ray, Hammerfall, Insania, and Heaven's Gate.

Actually I could name for a while, but if there are any more you'd like to know just message me.

Power Metal Help?spyware removal

Never heard of Angra. Try Louder than Hell by Manowar.
don't know.try some ac dc, or metalica
I've heard great things about Temple of Shadows and like what I've heard, but I admit I haven't heard Aurora Consurgens.. I think Temple is supposed to be one of their best! I'm probably into more progressive stuff than you, but just incase you don't have any Pain of Salvation, Ark, or Symphony X (my 3 favorite metal bands) albums, I'd advise you to get some!! :)

Pokemon diamond team help!!!?

so far i have a gengar With - dark pulse - giga drain - thunderbolt - shadow ball

Magmortar With - flamethrower - earthquake - phychic - thunderbolt

Closter With - surf - poison jab - icebeam - aurora beam

Exeggutor - leaf storm - attract - psychic - energy ball

I need suggestions for 2 more pokemon which would make a good team and the movesets Thanks

Pokemon diamond team help!!!?norton internet security



fire blast


Dragon Claw

ice punch

you could get ice punch or thunderpunch with a heart scale in pastoria city next to the lake! a guy will teach him those attacks!


Dragon Rush

Dragon Claw


Fire Fang[heartscale]


Dragon Claw


Stone Edge

Dragon Dance

or try gengar

Focus Blast

Sludge Bomb

Shadow Ball


Pokemon diamond team help!!!?spyware remove

You should get a chimcahr

or piplup

or ****!!
a dialga lvl 70 with earth power, dragon pulse, roar of time and rock slide

a rayquaza with fly, dragon pulse, crunch and ice beamn then ure team wud be brilliant
u should get a bug pokemon like yanmega

or dragon pokemon

or dark type pokemon

or steel type pokemon

Have you ever?.?

Seen the Aurora Borealis?.

And if so isn't it the most wondrous sight you've seen?.

Just curious

Thank you


Have you ever?.?norton

yes...a couple of times...once from atop Cadillac Mountain in Bar Harbor Me....amazing!

Have you ever?.?spyware remover

yes it is and thank you sweet archangel amanda...kisses Report It

No, I have not.鈾||nah..
i've seen documentaries on it but never in person. i'd love to see it though.
yes, i believe i have at least once, or at least seen pictures, and yes its gorgeous and very interesting.
i got the northern lights on my awesome was that?
no i never have. but it sounds beautiful

Help me choose a computer case!?


I am looking for a new computer case for my PC. My 3.2GHz Intel PC gets very hot and was looking at some solutions (I have a Thermaltake BigTyphoon Cooler).

Anyway the cases that I was looking at are:

1. Gigabyte 3D Aurora 570

2. Asus Vento 3600

3. Asus Vento 7700

4. Antec P180

Now, what I am looking for is a stylish case with the maximum number of fans, functionality etc. So which one would you recommend? Please justify your answer. Thanks!

Help me choose a computer case!?nortonantivirus

cases do not have any major function in Computing

bye any case which have higher Watt SMPS and good reputed company for replacement.

go for Odyssey (Compuage infocom Ltd.) as they are having table replacemnt on SMPS.

+ve points

01. Stylush

02. 500W SMPS

03. Front Audio and USB.

04. Extra fan

Thats all u cannot except from any cases.

Tatoos and piercings?

when u go 2 get a release form to get a piercing can you just get ur parents to sign it and then go without them....i live in denver aurora.....if yes do u kno the place name where they do dat...thnx

Tatoos and piercings?noton

Well im not sure if its the same everywhere but where I live your parents have to come because most of the time kids forge signatures but if you dont want your parents to come go to someplace where they really dont care how old you are all they care about is the money but I dont suggest that at all they dont it carefully and most of the time you get infections call your local piercing place or whatever and ask

Tatoos and piercings?stinger

They are not allowed to do that.

When will????

the next nintendo event bo for chicago, cause i need the aurora and mystic ticket for pokemon fire red

When will????pc security

u might be able to catch it about 4 years ago hope this helps

When will????symantic

dude stop wasting your time with that use action replay those events take too long i want deoxys now.
i hope you realize that is a one time thing that happened a couple years ago.
yeah you can still catch

i live in illinois

but im not sure what your asking

When and where were you born?

I was born on February 28th, 1992 in Aurora, Colorado, America.

When and where were you born?photoshop

September 4th in San Antonio, TX. No way you're getting a year. That's a secret number that only a select few know. Can't reveal my age that easily.

When and where were you born?symatec

October 15, ????, in the Philippines. I live in the U.S. now, though.
Nice to know you were born but why do you need that personal info anyway? are you a budding collection agent at 16?
October 14, 1994 at 2:42 pm in Hollywood, Florida, America.

Now i live in Miami!


can anyone who have info about low income housing in the area of aurora illinois or napervillr illinois if you do please let me know thankyou.

Frustrated?pop up blocker


Google maps question?

170 baji industrial drive aurora illinois

can someone convert the above address into a situation whereas I don't have to go to Google maps, type in the address to view it?


Google maps question?product key

This is the exact lacation %26gt;%26gt;

click and see ..

Google maps question?triumph

type in the adress and hit I'm feeling lucky

I'm not being an idiot, type any adress in your google search bar and hit I'm feeling Lucky, it brings up a location map right away, try it and see.

Eon ticket: Pokemon Emerald?

hi, I have Pokemon Emerald,

but I don't know how to get the Eon ticket....can anyone help?

I also need the Aurora one and the old sea chart.

help with them would be nice too.

Eon ticket: Pokemon Emerald?security

The only ways to get those are though Nintendo events for Emerald, but since Diamond and Pearl have come out, there are no more for Emerald. The only way you can get said items above now would be to cheat using gameshark or action replay codes.

But, if you use those codes to get the items, they won't be activated, and sadly, there are no code to activate them.

So... um... let's see.... *searches*

If you have a Gameshark (I don't know if it works with Action Replay), these codes will take you to the below places when you hold R (or L, I don't know) when entering or exiting a building. These are the places that having those items will take you:

Faraway Island



Birth Island



Navel Rock



Southern Island



And you'll need this, too:

[M] Must Be On




Eon ticket: Pokemon Emerald?trojan

only way u can get them is thru mystery gift from a friend or by cheating

PAY as you GO at&t?

Hello, i decided to get a prepaid cell for at%26t and i want to get this phone (Nokia 2610 (Refurb) - GoPhone庐) and i was wondering how much does the activation cost? i live in the are code of 60504 Aurora illinois... so if anyone is out there who know please help me :]

PAY as you GO at%26t?software

There isn't an activation fee per se, just a need to keep money on the account. Click on the link below and type in your Zip code.. it will explain all the terms %26 conditions, as well as the pricing.

Is this unusual?

I was driving my VW bug on the Aurora bridge in Seattle, and I skidded off and landed underneath it!

Look what found me under there!

Is this unusual?spyware removal

A troll!

Is this unusual?virus protection software

I would say it is quite common. I didn't know they were that big.
hahahahaha...please give CYN the BA on this. I laughed my azz off at that.
i just came to ask catz to please email me i need to ask you a very important question and i let it be known publicly so everyone would ask you what it was like to get a personal email from me
thats AWSOME
yayyyyyyyyyyy Seattle !!!! (grinning)
that was you?!? as i was getting a coffee i saw a crowd standing there staring at something.....

The ufo question?

If you don't know much about ufos don't answer Im 16 years old and i have been, well not neccessarily studied ufos but just fascinatined by the whole spectrum. You know how every Ufo crash theres always someone who acts mysteriouly fast and recovers the i tell you, that someone is whatever that countrys goverment of some sort If you don't agree i'll be glad to be proven wrong i'll just name a couple. the first and most popular roswell. no argument there. nova scotias shag harbour. now lets lead into others countries. russias roswell. brazils roswell. and perhaps the most interesting. aurora texas (mind my spelling) i believe it was 1897 civilans saw a cigar shape object crash and a couple people walked to the crash site and believe to have recovered the body and buried. decades later people went and recovered some speciments of myteries objects and bones. they did not take them. days later the gov or whatever agency recoverd the remains of the burial. is there a global gov

The ufo question?spyware remove

You will find some great UFO information in this magazine.Here's one article,and I've read many more just as good over the years.Use the search for more.

The ufo question?virus protection

Friday, August 21, 2009

Pokemon Leaf Green?

ok... so can anyone tell me the code for the Mystic ticket and the Aurora ticket in leaf green?

also... i am soooo confused with how to work the action replay for leaf green... the codes are

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

does this mean i go from left to right? and also... when i have a code selected that even the action replay itself knows... how come it wont work? im so confused with it... plz answer BOTH questions

Pokemon Leaf Green?spyware remover

I can answer two things. One, it does read from left to right, so it would be kind of like this:

1 2

3 4

5 6

also, make sure that the M code is on, you are pressing any buttons mentioned, and check to see if the code is put in correctly. also, make sure the action replay is on. if all of the above work, it is the codes fault, in other words, the code doesn't work. I know all of this from personal experience.

Hope this helps!

Fun fashion/pop culture quiz! Take this survey! 鈾?

1. Would you rather have to wear your hair like Marge Simpson's or be BALD?

2. Which song: or ?

3. Would you rather star in a play on Broadway or be a co-star in a not-THAT-successful movie?

4. Which are you better at: singing or dancing?

5. Switch hair with Paris Hilton or Eva Longoria?

6. Zac in Hairspray or Zac in HSM?

7. California or New York?

8. If you could switch lives with ANYONE, who would it be?

9. If you could have lunch with any star, dead or alive, who'd it be?

10. or ?

11. Rihanna or Beyonce? \

12. What's your "CATCH PHRASE"? ex. OMG! If you don't have a catch phrase, what would your catch phrase be IF you had one?

Everyone can take it! 鈾モ櫏鈾?br>Fun fashion/pop culture quiz! Take this survey! 鈾?spyware

1. Bald for sure. Bald can be chic, and easy to wash. Marge Simpson hair, not so much.

2. 2nd one! Go ladies!

3. Broadway. I have always dreamed of being on Broadway.

4. Dancing all the way. I take lessons.

5. Paris. DO blondes REALLY have more fun?

6. I don't like him period to tell you the truth.

7. haven't been to NY so I will have to say Cali. I live here it is just too humid for me.

Baby names!...please help?

At my last ultrasound i was told that I was having twins I have picked out my boys names : Jonathan Elliot James and David Andrew Tremain now for girls...

1: Vanessa Ann and Leila Jane

2: Melody Claire and Katie Madeleine

3: April Claire and Katie Rose

4: Sienna Melody and Aurora Jade

5: Julia Autumn and Ariella Coral

6: Mix and Match my combonations

Please layout your answer like this:

1: Vanessa Ann and Leila Jade

- VANESSA: I like it etc: LEILA : its pretty and unique etc;

Baby names!...please help?stinger

1. Vanessa Ann %26 Katie Rose. Both names roll well

2. Melody Jade %26 Sienna Automn - both names are unusual and pretty.

3. Julia Jade %26 Aurora Ann. Be careful with exotic names, try to pair them with a simplier name.

I don't like any of the others, sorry

Baby names!...please help?virus scanner

I've got to be honest with you, none of those combinations really does anything for me. I like Melody, April, Claire, and Katie as first names.

I'm curious about using two middle names for the boys. Is this a family custom? It comes across as pretentious to me. I do like Andrew and James as first names for boys.

Also, what are you going to do if it's a boy and a girl?
I like your boy names a lot. I like Melody Claire and Julia - but not Autumn, how about Julia Rose. I also like April Claire.
Annmarie and Rachel Jane
Melody Claire :

21st...what did you do...?

well im going to see the aurora borealis in alaska...i've always wanted to do it...and am lucky enough to be able what did you do or are you doing...x.

21st...what did you do...?suzuki

i had an adults mad hatter tea party. cocktails rather than tea (but was in teapots and cups) special adult cakes and a lot of very drunk people in ridiculous outfits playing with fire poi and generally having a very good time.

Conveniently my birthday was the day we all handed in our dissertations so everyone was very up for a good party.

21st...what did you do...?virus

My 21st was that long ago, I can't really remember what I did.. !!..xx
my friends threw a suprise party for me in the pub, got very drunk. then the next night i had a big family party at my house. then the nxt night i was at the pub getting drunk again.

3 days of partying!
on my actual 21st me and my husband had a meal and sum drinks but the friday after every1 had arranged a big party for me cos it was the only time they could all be there.really enjoyed would love to do it again.
For my 21ts Birthday you mean? I did absolutely nothing. I baked myself a Birthday cake and got no presents. How pathetic is that?
nothing that i can remember !
Fort Benning~
Sorry ,,but I can't remember,,,,
i'm going off to las vegas and gamble away
I got wasted on that day 13 years ago.
Wow, that's amazing!! I've always wanted to see the northern lights, although I think from Finland near the Arctic Circle. Anyway, to answer your Q - I went out for a meal with my family.
i worked on my 21st birthday
I'm turning 21 on Saturday. I think I'll get drunk and eat some cake.
That is a fantastic thing to do! Lucky You

Anyone IN.........?


Anyone IN.........?symantic

no sorry i never heard of that place

Anyone IN.........?viruses

No sorry...
lovely places

POLL: Your favourite Princess?

lol. :P who is ur favourite disney princess?

like for ex:

Aurora(sleeping beauty)




Tinkerbell(an exception)

or any others---

POLL: Your favourite Princess?symatec

You are my favorite princess.

POLL: Your favourite Princess?vista

TinkerBell 鈾||Aryiel from the Little Mermaid
Cinderella ^_^
BELLE!!!!!!!!!!!! luv her dress and also cinderella.
Belle, bc my middle name is Belle

but my 2nd fave would be tinkerbell, she has a cute outfit, and shes cute, lol(not in a creepy way)lol
Jasmine, sleeping beauty, Belle, Cinderella, and Snow White were my favorites in that order.


what are some names that your nickname could be rory for a girls. ex- aurora


Loralei... taken straight from Gilmore Girls.





Not sure, but Rory is a great name all by itself!
i agree with others, just use the name Rory
I just like Rory as the name. Nicknames can make life confusing.

People on yahoo 360?

Is it safe to post my stories on Yahoo 360? If so, would you guys want to read them?

I'm Aurora M

I need some friends too, so if you guys want to be my friend, you know where i am!!! ;^)

People on yahoo 360?triumph

It's the internet and how safe is that. People have lots of blogs on there and don't mind others reading them. How much of your stories you going to share with the world.

you can add me as a friend my link is in my profile

Ot on shelves at Trader Joe's in Edmonds, WA. Especially like Coconut www.sharon's-sorbet.

Why is the stock so low on Sharon's-Sorbet at Trader

Joe's Store in Edmonds, WA. on Aurora and 196th St.

Lynnwood, WA.

Ot on shelves at Trader Joe's in Edmonds, WA. Especially like Coconut www.sharon'

Maybe you bought it all!

TJ's is notorious for having stock problems. You never know what they will or won't have in stock.

Cute girl names?

names on my list so far:



sophia or sophie


madelyn or madeline








tell me what you think! thanks!

Cute girl names?vincent

I like olivia madelyn


Va'Laurie (my granddaughters name :0)




Cute girl names?adware remover

Olivia ----- Reminds me of Olives sorry No

Charlotte --- How pretty! Love it!

Sophia --- Very feminine, like a Queen!

Sophie --- Good for a little girl, not an adult

Aurora --- No

Madelyn ---- Cute, it's OK

Madeline ---- Much better! And prettier!!

Bethany --- It's OK

Emma --- Cute, I don't know how it would be for an adult . . .

Aubrey --- No

Jocelyn --- Cute

Scarlet -- No

Chloe --- So cute!

Kristen --- Cute!

My fave is Charlotte and Madeline.

Madeline Sophia

Chloe Madeline

Charlotte Sophia

Emma Madelyn

Jocelyn Sophie

Good luck!

Hope I Helped!

The names are great. Try Alexandra, Emily, Jessica, Teressa, Christina, Joana, Ana-Maria, Isabella, Diana, and

Emerald version?

does anybody know where you can get aurora tickets and old sea charts for pokemon emerald version if your in australia and dont want to buy game shark or other cheat crap that screws ur game up

Emerald version?virus protection software

aurora tickets are only free at pokemon events, sorry

see for pokemon events on australia

Should I have a nickname?

One of my friends today said my name was way too long. my whole name is Aurora (Ah-Roar-ra). I was wondering should I have another nickname to make my name shorter?

Should I have a nickname?virus protection

no unless you want to but be proud of your name if your mom wanted you named something short she would of named you something different, i dont like why people chop up someones name

Should I have a nickname?agv

if your friends say that you need a nickname, it'll just develop. like me, krystyn turned into kryss. so yours will prolly turn out to be like, rory or something. but yeah, people will just automatically call you whats easiest
It's a pretty name. Be Ary or Rara or something....or something else like frosting.

Haha look:

Person#1: Aaahhh!

Bear: Roar!

Person#2: Ra!

Maybe you'll get some ideas?
Your name isn't that long.

If your friend was serious she'd give you a nickname herself.
yea if you don't mind like aura or ora
I like your name but a cute nickname would be rori
well i know a girl that have the same name like yours well i dont if its pronounced the same way but i know its spelled the same but she dnt have a nickname
roar or rori
ur name is not too long

u don't need a nickname

Hamilton, Ont - HWY 6 and Book Road. Does anyone know what is causing the amazing light effect when

I drive hwy 6, north towards the 403 every morning at approx 5:15 am.

On mornings when it is dark and raining, there is this amazing light effect coming up from the ground somewhere just south west of Book Road.

It is quite a spectacular thing to this some sort of aurora borealis effect (though the lights are not coloured like aurora borealis) or is something else causing this?

As mentioned, this ONLY happens when it rains.

Can someone solve this mystery for me?

Hamilton, Ont - HWY 6 and Book Road. Does anyone know what is causing the amazing light effect when it rains?virus removal


Hamilton, Ont - HWY 6 and Book Road. Does anyone know what is causing the amazing light effect when it rains?anti virus protection

You are so close. Although the Aurora Borealis could be the culprit, the actual source of these fantastic light effects is something a little bit more....other-worldly.

You see, off of the North side of Hwy 6, about a kilometer before the 403, there is a little known cemetary. It is much overgrown and of little note. However resident within the confines of this final resting place are the remains of a haunted soul. A soul whose final deliverance could not be secured before its untimely demise.

As we approach his tombstone.....


..........with baited breath......

.,.....and heart beginning to be a rapid pace.....

we read his name .......

Malcomb Maglight, inventor of the Mag Light flashlight.

During these rainy storms, his soul comes from beneath the grave to shine his flash lights all around the grounds.

If I were you, I would not go there.......alone...

Wish you the best!

What's your favorite natural wonder of the world, pictures included?

mount everest

the great barrier reef

the grand canyon

victoria falls

rio de janeiro

paricutin volcano

aurora borealis

What's your favorite natural wonder of the world, pictures included?virus scan

I would have to say the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. They say it's like visiting a different world.

What's your favorite natural wonder of the world, pictures included?anti virus scan

Grand Canyon
Aurora Borealis...I'd love to see it.

Is your (given) name share a personality with who you are as a person?

Myself... A name of Aurora Rose... The flower expressing the golden dawn... for all that which is bright and sunny and full of promise for a new day. Has little add-ons that my brain/personality/intelligence may be a bit of a mystery, the mystifying Aurora Borealis found here on earth, yet fit into folklore more readily than into something common and seen every day (like a snowstorm).

I'm a blonde-hair blue-eyes, warm and gentle and sweet person usually. I look fo the best in the world, an eternal optimist, and I also work in the law enforcement field..

My question goes out to anyone with usual or unusual names... Do your names suit you? If they do, in what ways, if they don't can you describe some of the differences between yourself and where the expectations are, and how your name may have had a role with your choices of interest or careers in the future.

Is your (given) name share a personality with who you are as a person?virus scanner

I don't have an offbeat name (Michelle), but it is a feminine derivative of Michael, which means "close to God," or something along those lines. I tend to be rather religious.

Something strange I have noticed going through life is that people with the same names tend to share similar personalities. For instance, every other Michelle I have met seems to be slightly offbeat and strange in some way, like me. Perhaps it is just my own perceptions influencing things, like because they have the same name, I link them together. Either way, I think there may be a connection sometimes.

What DO you THINK?!?!??!?! Feedback please? THanks =]?

What do u think of this story:

The object was flying back and forth like a ping pong game in slow motion.It was a cool evening around 6"What is that?" I asked.My sister looked up from the t.v to where i was staring out the window."Where?" "Outside.Come here, I'll show u."I repiled.My sister got up from the floor and looked out the window w/me. "I don't see anything."She said."No, over there Aurora,By the woods,U see that?It looks like an airplane cicling the woods." I said"Oh yeah,I see it now,is it that blue and red flashy thing?" "Yeah but it looks like a v Shaped object."I said "yeah Vitoria, and zebras r purple w/ pink and orange polka dots, I know Ur letting that Criss Angel dude get in 2 ur head. It-" "Oh my God."I said."what?"

Oh my god,Duck aurora Duck!its coming straight 2 our house!"I started 2 painc.I was crying and i ducked down,but then got up and looked out into the horizon. W/out warning the lights died down I saw my life flashing b4 my eyes I whispered "Its here."

What DO you THINK?!?!??!?! Feedback please? THanks =]?virus

keep posting now I am kinda interested.

What DO you THINK?!?!??!?! Feedback please? THanks =]?anti virus

I Like!!!!!
i wanna know more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea, biggdawg's interested
Very good effort !

Can you put this in your own words please?

Northern lights originate from our sun. During large explosions and flares, huge quantities of solar particles are thrown out of the sun and into deep space. These plasma clouds travel through space with speeds varying from 300 to 1000 kilometers per second.

But even with such speeds (over a million kilometer per hour), it takes these plasma clouds two to three days to reach our planet. When they are closing in on Earth, they are captured by Earth's magnetic field (the magnetosphere) and guided towards Earth's two magnetic poles; the geomagnetic south pole and the geomagnetic north pole.

On their way down towards the geomagnetic poles, the solar particles are stopped by Earth's atmosphere, which acts as an effective shield against these deadly particles.

When the solar particles are stopped by the atmosphere, they collide with the atmospheric gases present, and the collision energy between the solar particle and the gas molecule is emitted as a photon - a light particle. And when you have many such collisions, you have an aurora - lights that may seem to move across the sky.

In order for an observer to actually see the aurora with the naked eye, about a 100 million photons are required.

Can you put this in your own words please?viruses

To find the cause of Northern Lights, we must take a 93 million mile trip to the surface of the Sun. During.....(keep this part).....

What do you think of this? A guy saw a demon in a picture that was developed? Do you think it's

Supernatural Manifestation in Photograph Said to Change Drug-User's Life

[Joe] is convinced that the photo captured the demon associated with his drugs, and praying for deliverance, he now carries the picture with him as a reminder, and shares with others the reality of evil, especially as it relates to drug addictions.

Teresa Neumann (November 7, 2007)

(Aurora, Colorado)鈥擬any people are probably familiar with what I call the "bubble" phenomenon. It occurs when pictures are developed and they reveal floating, iridescent spheres that were not visible to the naked eye at the time the photograph was taken.

That said, I must admit I initially had reservations about this particular article because of the subject matter, and the manner in which the news presented the story of drug-user Joe Martinez of Aurora, Colorado, in which a photograph of him reveals the presence of a "demon." I also, at first, questioned the fact that the news commentators used phrases such as "paranormal" to describe it (can we expect any differently from a secular report?), and ran the picture in question by paranormal research society "experts" to determine if it was authentic. They were, by the way, stumped.

Watching the news video, however, led me to deem this story worthy of viewing.

The photograph in question is, well, chilling...whether one is a Christian or not. It was snapped eight years ago at a 50th anniversary reception for Martinez' in-laws. At the time, briefly glancing at the photo, nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary, and it was filed away with other photographs in an album.

How do i get this girl to leave me alone?

I came to scool in a new state about 3 months ago. This girl was nice to me for like the firlst week (she is really popular,very clique orientated girl,short and fat and blonde.). She's made school misreble for me everyday now. She treats me like crap. I was at school today and she was talking to her friend and she said,right when I was in the room ,ver loudly) "I would have gotten chucks in that color but Aurora (my name) has them..ew. When I sit down on the bus she is always like eew aurora sitting down. She calls me a bit*ch i don't know what I even did..I feel so singled out and alone.When i got a myspace she waslike "you havn't told anyone?..antisocial much?" I feel like craop every day. What are some ways I can get her to leave me alone? Or improve my confidence?

pic of me

How do i get this girl to leave me alone?windows

Shes just doing that cause shes jealus.Ignore her,and when she insults you with her "click" don't tell them off,simply call them immature and go to a different area.Find some new friends that have the same music and style taste as you.Block her off your MySpace,so she can't make fun of you there.If you find new friends that will back you up for sure,then she will deffinatly leave you alone!You show her that you have people who love you.and don't listen to her at all..cause I saw your pic and you're very pretty.[:

What name do you prefer with the middle name Leigh?

Middle name is going to be Leigh after a sister that passed away, I need to know what girl name goes best with this middle name.

Atheighna/Athena - Like the first spelling but not sure if its over kill with the "eigh" with Leigh right after.

Ryanne/ Rhianne - My name is Shyanne and Hubby's is Ryan - Kinda corny but the hubby likes it.

Anastasja or Nastasja (after a grandmother) (pronounced Ana-sta-zha)

Aurora - Only came up with this name because of a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning titled Aurora Leigh which is about a woman who wants to be a poet and has a great love of literature and knowledge which is something I hope to instill in a child.

Lizadora (Liz-a-dora) - Absolutely hate this name but needed to include this because this is the name the hubby is absolutely gunning for. Can't look at it without thinking Lizard. Just seeing how others think Lizadora Leigh sounds in case I end up using pain medications and he sneaks the name in while I'm too groggy to notice.

What name do you prefer with the middle name Leigh?

i absolutely love the name


and i think it goes nice with Leigh


i agree with your husband , maybe corny but totally brilliant

as for Lizadora

why not call her Elizabeth Dora , then Lizadora could be your husbands nickname for her lol x

What name do you prefer with the middle name Leigh?antivirus downloads

What do you think?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! THanks =DDDDDDDDDDD?

What do u think of this story:

The object was flying back and forth like a ping pong game in slow motion.It was a cool evening around 6"What is that?" I asked.My sister looked up from the t.v to where i was staring out the window."Where?" "Outside.Come here, I'll show u."I repiled.My sister got up from the floor and looked out the window w/me. "I don't see anything."She said."No, over there Aurora,By the woods,U see that?It looks like an airplane cicling the woods." I said"Oh yeah,I see it now,is it that blue and red flashy thing?" "Yeah but it looks like a v Shaped object."I said "yeah Vitoria, and zebras r purple w/ pink and orange polka dots, I know Ur letting that Criss Angel dude get in 2 ur head. It-" "Oh my God."I said."what?"

Oh my god,Duck aurora Duck!its coming straight 2 our house!"I started 2 painc.I was crying and i ducked down,but then got up and looked out into the horizon. W/out warning the lights died down I saw my life flashing b4 my eyes I whispered "Its here."

What do you think?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! THanks =DDDDDDDDDDD?abtuvurys 2005


What do you think?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! THanks =DDDDDDDDDDD?antivirus programs

I'm going to be moving to Denver in a few months. I've been offered a job at the Children&

I've been offered a job at the Children's Hospital in Aurora. I understand Aurora isn't the best place to rent, but I don't want to be too far away from where I'm going to be working. Any suggestions as to good locations or complexes in the area? I'm willing to travel, but hopefully less than a half-hour drive. I don't really know much about Denver, I'm currently living in Buffalo, NY. Please help!

I'm going to be moving to Denver in a few months. I've been offered a job at the Children's Hospital in Auroradware remover

hey,i grew up in aurora..i've lived in colorado my whole life.I will agree that aurora is a little lower class than other places,such as highlands ranch or cherry it depends what you're looking for.If you want something a little nicer I suggest centennial,its just south of aurora so its not a far drive at all.It has good schools,nicer newer houses.and a younger,more upper class type population.if you don't have kids i suggest the cherry creek area..but it is a little pricey.Overall,centennial is probably the best place that isn't too far of a drive.

I'm going to be moving to Denver in a few months. I've been offered a job at the Children's Hospital in Aurorantivirus protection

How do i get this girl to leave me alone?n?

I came to scool in a new state about 3 months ago. This girl was nice to me for like the firlst week (she is really popular,very clique orientated girl,short and fat and blonde.). She's made school misreble for me everyday now. She treats me like crap. I was at school today and she was talking to her friend and she said,right when I was in the room ,ver loudly) "I would have gotten chucks in that color but Aurora (my name) has them..ew. When I sit down on the bus she is always like eew aurora sitting down. She calls me a bit*ch i don't know what I even did..I feel so singled out and alone.When i got a myspace she waslike "you havn't told anyone?..antisocial much?" I feel like craop every day. What are some ways I can get her to leave me alone? Or improve my confidence?

pic of me

How do i get this girl to leave me alone?n?adware

How much do you want to bet she is majorly jelious of you.

Im sure she is picking on you because your probably better than her in every way.

like when you said she wasnt mean to you at first, then just started to be mean...think of it like a pack of Lions. she was there first, it was her taritory. Then a prettyer,smarter all around better lion came into her taritory. She was nice to try to show you that school is her taritory and the students must fallow her and only her. If they dont....then they feel her wrath! and thats what she's doing. You dont fallow her, so she's basicly expressing to everyone that she is better then you "even though she isn't." Thats why she calls you out all the time. To make her self feel better about her position in school. witch is "popular"

HAIRCUT advice, please? ;]?

Okay, so I want a haircut. I want it to be shorter than it is right now, but not too short because I've heard my hair looks good both short and long. Here's a few pictures of me.

These are a few pictures of the hairstyle I personally like. Do you think they would suit my face shape? :\

HAIRCUT advice, please? ;]?agv

It's a cute haircut. With your hair being as straight and fine as it is you would have to use alot of gel to get it to poof-up like that blow dry it up-side down too, just be sure thats what you want, because you'll be stuck with that style for quite a while befor it grew out enough to do something else with it!! You definetly need a style with some bangs because you have a high forehead. Go for it if you like it!

HAIRCUT advice, please? ;]?antivirus software

i don't think i like that hairstyle too much

at least not too well on your face

it seems like you have a long face

so i'd stick with kinda like a bob

or bangs that go to your eyebrows
I wouldnt do the choppy layers i would go with a inverted chin bob with sideswept bangs
everyone above is right... side sweep bangs are in. I would say get some cute layers... use curlers to give yourself some volume.

What do you think of these many baby girl names?

Aurora Elizabeth

Aurora Rose (Rose is an old family name.)

Aurelie Rose

Mary Cecelia (Grandmother's name.)




Ainsley (A favorite.)









Ailie (Gaelic.)


Ana (Ah-nah.)





Madeline (Maddie.)










Any other suggestions for something simply pretty but slightly different/exotic? Nothing TOO out there?

What do you think of these many baby girl names?anti virus protection

From your list I like Aurora, Imogen, Rowan*, and Madeline (pronounced mad-a-line not lyn). I also like:




Cuyler (ky-ler)

Seliah (sa-lee-ah)

What do you think of these many baby girl names?antivirus

I like these possible combinations:

Aurora Rose

Cecelia Rose

Lucy Cecelia

Mary Ainsley

Madeline Anastasia

Alessandra Grace

Sophie Elisabeth

Rowen Cecelia

Emily Rose