Friday, August 21, 2009

Fun fashion/pop culture quiz! Take this survey! 鈾?

1. Would you rather have to wear your hair like Marge Simpson's or be BALD?

2. Which song: or ?

3. Would you rather star in a play on Broadway or be a co-star in a not-THAT-successful movie?

4. Which are you better at: singing or dancing?

5. Switch hair with Paris Hilton or Eva Longoria?

6. Zac in Hairspray or Zac in HSM?

7. California or New York?

8. If you could switch lives with ANYONE, who would it be?

9. If you could have lunch with any star, dead or alive, who'd it be?

10. or ?

11. Rihanna or Beyonce? \

12. What's your "CATCH PHRASE"? ex. OMG! If you don't have a catch phrase, what would your catch phrase be IF you had one?

Everyone can take it! 鈾モ櫏鈾?br>Fun fashion/pop culture quiz! Take this survey! 鈾?spyware

1. Bald for sure. Bald can be chic, and easy to wash. Marge Simpson hair, not so much.

2. 2nd one! Go ladies!

3. Broadway. I have always dreamed of being on Broadway.

4. Dancing all the way. I take lessons.

5. Paris. DO blondes REALLY have more fun?

6. I don't like him period to tell you the truth.

7. haven't been to NY so I will have to say Cali. I live here it is just too humid for me.

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