Sunday, August 23, 2009

How do i get a boy?

i love this guy in my homeroom, and he doesnt even like me. he does as a friend, but, well, really, the most romantic thing he ever said about me was to my friend, he said, "id rather kiss aurora than you." how do i get his attention?

How do i get a boy?norton antivirus

Okay mighty huntress, the best way to get a boy is to totally ignore him and let him "hunt" you.

Show him by being happy and friendly around others that you are quite a girl. Smile and flirt with other boys. But don't look at him to see if he is watching and never let him see you mooning over him. Be friendly every now and then by smiling and saying hi to him, but let it go at that so that he has to make the next move to you.

Remember boys are like wild animals. If you chase a wild animal it will keep running away from you. But, if you sit still and have patience, eventually the wild animal will come to you.

Good luck.

How do i get a boy?security

You have a great opportunity with Valentine's Day coming up. Send him a card.
Dont think he likes you. if he really likes you you Both will feel something. So go for someone else. You are just in puppy love..aawww.Good luck
take your bra off in front of him then simply masturbate fiercely whilst screaming his name. he'll want ya in a second, you have my word.
Don't worry about it. You just be yourself and he will come to you. If he doesn't then he is not worth it. Girls worry too much about if I boy likes them or not. Most boys are not interested in being romantic or living in some fantasy fairy tale. They are interested in sex or phycisal attraction. Don't get trapped into that game. Eventually the right boy will come along without you needing to do a thing.
There are more fish in the sea.
hey, valentine's day is coming, put your number in a card but don't sign your name, see if he calls.

He audviosly likes you so tell him.

I know its hard to tell him but its always hard,

For Men and Women
to be honest i don't really know cause i don't have one(in my entire life actually) but don't get eger to get one cause you may find the wrong one,so be really paitient.

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