Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Do you really believe the fastest U.S. airplane is still the SR-71 Blackbird?

It made it's maiden voyage in 1964. I just don't see how there hasn't been a faster airplane produced for 44 years. Does the SR-91 Aurora exist?

Do you really believe the fastest U.S. airplane is still the SR-71 Blackbird?free antivirus

No and I doubt that SR-91 Aurora is present top line in USA

Black Projects. Top line in my opinion would be rail guns

on orbital platforms designed to throw rocks of kiloton

impact with no radioactive fallout political problems.

Ion engine technology can, over long hauls, produce more speed than any atmospheric transit. More bang for buck.

Existing USAF pilots are better employed in office suites

piloting drones half-planet distant by Sat-Com remotes.

Do you really believe the fastest U.S. airplane is still the SR-71 Blackbird?internet

Good question, I think it probably does/did exist! I read that there was a military budget spread sheet that had the word "Aurora" placed right next to the Blackbird and the U2. That's suspicious, huh! There were also very large sonic booms recorded and "experts" claim that whatever made them was going extremely fast (I think I read that it was at least mach 5!) If the Aurora does/did exist, it's production was probably canceled due to the fact that spy satellites pretty much made supersonic spy planes obsolete.
Heck no! It may be the "official" fastest, but I'm certain JPL hasn't been lazing about for the last forty years; sitting on their thumbs. I'm sure there are now newer, faster aircraft - even if they're still in the "prototype" stage.

I'm not sure what is the fastest aircraft in the world; but I'm sure it would account for a lot of UFO sightings.
The Blackbird is currently the fastest achknowledged U.S. aircraft. As for the Aurora, it's never been achknowledged. But what you have to understand is how oddly well governments keep secrets, and how bad they keep older secrets. What I mean is, government technology has advanced far past public knowledge, and this is not just US, I mean for any country just about. Truthfully, the United States does not have the greatest public technology. They may have some secret alien aircraft that some other governments do not possess, but thats up to debate.

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