Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oprah Winfrey warned me about the Apocalypse? Is this real?

My friends, please hear me out before you judge me. This is completely factual. On Friday night, I was watching the Oprah show. As her program aired in the same usual manner, the T.V. suddenly began flickering. The image of her remained undisturbed, and she looked at me with her powerful yet compassionate eyes. She began speaking to me. Her voice did not come from the television speakers. It radiated around the room. She told me to come with her. I whispered "I will". And in an aurora of bright flashes, I was whisked away, both body and mind, into an alien world. Oprah revealed to me that this was Earth... 50 years later. It was saddening. The whole landscape that my eyes were able to see was barren and desolate. She told me that this was the result of George Bush's reckless use of Atomic weapons. The world has been destroyed. The people that did survive are in a murderous frenzy...

Oprah Winfrey warned me about the Apocalypse? Is this real?norton antivirus 2007

Wow! Until I read your question, I was an atheist. But I fear Oprah, so I guess that makes me god fearing. Thank you for opening my eyes!

Oprah Winfrey warned me about the Apocalypse? Is this real?product key

What are on and, where can I get some?!
seek help immediately before it's to late.
Wow. I had a dream about Oprah once. It was a long time ago. She told me that Napoleon and Hitler were anti-Oprah's. She never mentioned George Bush. Of course that was before he was President or anything.
Dang dud I thought the 80s had some good drugs ,what are you kids on these days ,that sounds like some wild ride
umm okay will pass it on.... any doctors in the room?
Now I'm really sorry I answered that one question of yours. YOU ARE CRAZY! Nuts Insane! MENTAL! GO TO A PSYCHOLOGIST! YOU NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it real? Not until it happens, then who gives a ****?
You know.....

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