I came to scool in a new state about 3 months ago. This girl was nice to me for like the firlst week (she is really popular,very clique orientated girl,short and fat and blonde.). She's made school misreble for me everyday now. She treats me like crap. I was at school today and she was talking to her friend and she said,right when I was in the room ,ver loudly) "I would have gotten chucks in that color but Aurora (my name) has them..ew. When I sit down on the bus she is always like eew aurora sitting down. She calls me a bit*ch i don't know what I even did..I feel so singled out and alone.When i got a myspace she waslike "you havn't told anyone?..antisocial much?" I feel like craop every day. What are some ways I can get her to leave me alone? Or improve my confidence?
pic of me
How do i get this girl to leave me alone?windows
Shes just doing that cause shes jealus.Ignore her,and when she insults you with her "click" don't tell them off,simply call them immature and go to a different area.Find some new friends that have the same music and style taste as you.Block her off your MySpace,so she can't make fun of you there.If you find new friends that will back you up for sure,then she will deffinatly leave you alone!You show her that you have people who love you.and don't listen to her at all..cause I saw your pic and you're very pretty.[:
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