Sunday, August 23, 2009

Parenting Help?

Ok, so I am currently 6 months pregnant with a baby girl named Aurora Mae-Belle, Now, I have a daughter already who is nearly one her name is Blayze. Blayze has become quite upset lately and she screams if we take her into the nursery that Aurora will have, she goes in herself and throws the clothes and toys around the place destroying the room so we have to clean it up. Is this normal behaviour? Our doctors said that its just a phase, but I am scared it'll continue and Blayze will do someting when Aurora is here to harm the baby. Is there anything I can do to help Blayze? and is it Anxiety? or is she really worried about the fact I'll be having another child and doesnt want to share her mum and dad? any suggestions would be great!

Parenting Help?agv

She's only a year old??? She may realize that something is abnormal, but she doesn't comprehend anything.......She is still very much a baby and is only doing things that a normal baby does.........She may think you are trying to move her into that room and that could be why she is reacting the way she is.

Parenting Help?antivirus software

It is normal behavior because Blayze realizes that she's not going to be the center of attention anymore, it happens a lot to first-born children. Eventually she will calm down, and if she doesn't you need to let her know that her actions are wrong. Next time she makes a mess, let her know that she's done something bad and then have her help clean up...I realize she can't do it herself, but have her help pick clothes up and stuff. It's a combination of anxiety and not wanting to share.
She definitely sounds as if she feels a bit neglected or jealous because of Aurora. I would listen to what your doctors say, you can try including Blayze in preparing for Aurora to come, or be sure to mention her in some way if anyone asks about the baby. Don't completely transform her world because another baby is coming, she might feel as if her life is being completely rearranged. Even adults find that difficult, imagine a one year olds confusion! You don't want her thinking she's being replaced. :]
I think the what the Dr. said is true. It's a phase. But, with a name like Blayze, I think she is going to be a tuff girl.. it seems like a very dominant name. very unique...

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