Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What else can be done?

I have recently be contacted by a collection company called Aurora, Gold %26 associates about a past due balance on a credit card that was never owned by neither my wife or myself. A look at our credit report showed several "unusual" accounts (now being disputed with the credit bureau) that also do not belong to us. I have requested documentation validating this account and all I have received was a fax (written by in house staff) stating there is negative balance on an account they believe it to be ours. After calling back again to try and get more info the redirected my call to the "mean" department and all that i could get from them is that they intend to file suit and i can get my information then. I am currently sending out "Drop Dead" letters both by regular mail and certified mail, to inform them that i have no intention of paying a bill that can not be proven to be mine or my wife's.... Is there anything that i am missing that might help to speed along the process? Thanks

What else can be done?firewall

If the accounts do not belong to you then this is fraud and you need to contact a lawyer. They are holding you responsible for the account because obviously the accounts are in your name. It is not uncommon to see situations like this. I got a letter saying that my fiance had over drafted our account. Her expenditures however were in another state that neither of us have ever ever been too. We were responsible for filing the fraud report.

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