Sunday, August 23, 2009

The ufo question?

If you don't know much about ufos don't answer Im 16 years old and i have been, well not neccessarily studied ufos but just fascinatined by the whole spectrum. You know how every Ufo crash theres always someone who acts mysteriouly fast and recovers the i tell you, that someone is whatever that countrys goverment of some sort If you don't agree i'll be glad to be proven wrong i'll just name a couple. the first and most popular roswell. no argument there. nova scotias shag harbour. now lets lead into others countries. russias roswell. brazils roswell. and perhaps the most interesting. aurora texas (mind my spelling) i believe it was 1897 civilans saw a cigar shape object crash and a couple people walked to the crash site and believe to have recovered the body and buried. decades later people went and recovered some speciments of myteries objects and bones. they did not take them. days later the gov or whatever agency recoverd the remains of the burial. is there a global gov

The ufo question?spyware remove

You will find some great UFO information in this magazine.Here's one article,and I've read many more just as good over the years.Use the search for more.

The ufo question?virus protection

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