Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rate my Fire Red team???

-Venusaur lvl 60- Solarbeam,Razor Leaf, Vine Whip, Earthquake

-Mewtwo lvl 72-Psychic, Shadow Ball, Recover,Swift

-Zapdos lvl 63- Thunder, Fly, Drill Peck, Aerial Ace

-Nidoking lvl 59-Earthquake, Megahorn, Strength,and Rock Smash which I want to replace with another move

-Vaporean lvl 64-Surf, Water Pulse, Secret Power Aurora Beam.

-Dragonite lvl 60-Ice Beam, body Slam, Agility, Dragon Rage. this one needs a new set of moves soplease help me out here.

-I'm also training a Pupitar to evolve into tyranitar so what moves shoul i teach it????

thnx a lot

Rate my Fire Red team???norton ghost

Pretty good around a 4.5/5 in my opinion. I have a Tyranitar myself, lvl 94 or something. It knows crunch, rock slide, earth quake and hyper beam. Good luck.

Rate my Fire Red team???software

Good team. Pretty good, actually. I can't help with which moves to teach it, good luck though. May your pupitar grow strong.
its goooooooooooood
already a good team. missing just one thing. an anti psychic or ghost. tranitar would be a good one since it can learn crunch which will be usefull for ghost type. train some plant pokemon for versatility. 8/10

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